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香港吃剩的或廚餘       Empty 香港吃剩的或廚餘

發表  mAcD 周二 7月 31, 2012 10:55 pm


a single container, regardless is fully packed or loose pack, if apply it in term of meal box, i guess it could feed up to 500 human for both lunch+dinner.

500 human x 200 = 100,000 human. in chinese, 每日我們棄置的食物, 可以餵飽10萬個人(印度貧民/肯尼亞etc).

我們在求學時也見過, 100個飯盒其實只是細小體積, 所以我說500人已是很保守了.

文章數 : 1228
注冊日期 : 2011-11-21

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香港吃剩的或廚餘       Empty 回復: 香港吃剩的或廚餘

發表  mAcD 周二 7月 31, 2012 11:01 pm

產生如此問題, 是由於富有人太霸道, 貪心, 不關懷其他人.

所以, 就有各酒店不斷抬價去搶食品的第一市場(primary)及第二市場(distributors), 搶貴了所有食物(food price inflation).

而霸道的有錢人, 去了一次酒店buffett而食物不夠, 就blacklist酒店. 害到大部份食肆寧願入過多的食物而不想失去客人. 吃不完的(當然沒可能有客人會吃清buffett內所有食物), 為了新鮮及聲譽, 就掉了廚餘!!!

文章數 : 1228
注冊日期 : 2011-11-21

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香港吃剩的或廚餘       Empty 回復: 香港吃剩的或廚餘

發表  WonderBoy 周四 8月 02, 2012 2:40 am

As per my best knowledge, buffet original serve the businessman on trip. They can finish a meal faster than an ordinary fine dining because everything is ready. Sure, fast food is another story which they dislike. So, they just follow they usual step. Appetiser, soup, main course, etc.... They might be greedy to eat more but I think it should be minority. Eat too much might ruin your business. As the buffet original target the bussinessman, so the serving time is long, say 2 to 3 hrs per meal which convenient for having their meal at any time.
Now the buffet targets at the consumer group. Consumers believe that is a game of all you can it.


文章數 : 31
注冊日期 : 2011-12-17

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